Will add photos and total mileage from Dublin. We didn't have Internet in our room so I am sitting on the floor in front of the elevators. J :-]
June 4
Milford to Xenia, OH
35 Miles (out of 55)
Total Miles to Date ~ 1,223
Somehow, we got a late start (forgot to fill my water bottles - "Two days wasn't enough time?" was Holly's comment, needed to use the WC just one more time, and just moving slowly for a change). Georgia decided to SAG. We walked out to the parking lot of our motel and heard thunder and lightening. Next! Put our bikes up on the van 'cause we are not riding in this weather. There had been tornado warnings and watches, flood warnings and watches, hail warnings, and just general bad weather abounded. Most of the women were out on the road already. As our bikes were being put up top - Michelle and Laurie soaked to the skin in minutes - Sue and Frankie returned. This was not a day to ride. Much too dangerous. So, in the van we went - two guides and five riders.
By the time we got to the SAG stop at mile 20 Laurie had received a number of calls from different groups of riders who had found shelter in various locations, or had not yet found the entrance to the Rail Trail. We picked Lois up at the SAG stop and all of us were taken to Al's Diner in South Lebanon. Meanwhile, my cousin, Bonnie, had planned to ride with us, and she and I were playing telephone tag about what to do about riding, so she came to the diner as well. The van went back to Milford to pick up the rest of the group. Laurie and Michelle decided to take all of us off the road - much too dangerous. An hour later back they came - without riders and bikes. The weather had cleared (it cleared in South Lebanon too) and we were OK to go for the last 35-miles - all on a Rail Trail.
Last night's storms had done a lot of damage. There were trees down and a lot of debris across the path, the Little Miami River was over flowing its banks in places, and fields of newly planted corn (and other crops) were flooded and most likely lost. All in all, it was a great adventure - climbing over, under, and through downed trees, serpentining around debris, and being together on the road - always the best part of the day.
We had just left the trail and were finally in town - less than one mile from the hotel - when I felt a flat and at the same time Mary told me I had a flat. The three of us walked to the hotel. Better to change it in the comfort of my motel room than out on the street. If it had to happen, better in town than out on the trail. Changed the flat - remembering a number of Marilyn’s lessons - and we cleaned our bikes - removing large piles of dirt and debris from every surface and nook. Those bikes were REALLY dirty. Dinner was delicious - Michelle is cooking now. We ate inside the hotel because a storm was on the horizon and coming through at a fast clip. Breakfast will be late tomorrow because there is a museum down the road that does not open until 9:00. Even though the day is only 69-miles we wanted to be on the road by 6:30 because it is going to be in the upper 80s and humid. Guess that won’t be happening.
Tossed old gloves with nearly “see-through” palm/Bought hot pink gloves - when did they get so expensive?
Tossed red/white/blue Giro helmet with a small hole in the back and numerous small cracks/Bought white Bell helmet - no cracks, no sweat, all padding present.
After carrying it nearly the entire ride, finally tossed my mini-pump that really never worked and should have been tossed after last year’s ride when I realized it was a piece of junk.
Thanks for dropping by. Talk to you from Dublin. Judi :-]
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