Long-distance cycling was never a dream. In fact, there was never even the germ of a thought about getting on a bicycle to cross the continent. Death - my husband's - put these wheels in motion. Ten years after Holly and I cycled from the Pacific to the Atlantic, we continue to share incredible adventures, visiting the world from the seat of a bicycle. Welcome aboard The Underground Railroad. It's going to be an interesting journey. Judi a/k/a TheWanderingJu

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hot and Hilly

We left at 7:00 and arrived at 2:00. During the 7-hours we were on the road we whistled off more dogs than we did on the entire Southern Tier - at least that is how it seemed. We have noticed that nobody has one dog. Each dog seems to have their own dog - usually a smaller breed. Often it is those small dogs that are the most trouble. Today, a little brown and white dog (or, possibly he was black and white) ran at Holly's wheel. He was such a surprise that we barely had enough time to get those wonderful whistles to our mouths. We did. He backed off.

Mary rode with us the entire day, and the three of us were the first riders into the 20-mile rest stop - Georgia was our Mother Goose today. That was the last time we saw Georgia and Bo-Peep. A number of the women stopped at Shiloh so the SAG had to wait on them. At 40-miles we ate lunch sitting on the car stops at a closed gas station in a town that was nothing more than a four-way stop, then stopped at the local candy/grocery/you-need-it-we-got-it-MAYBE store named Angie's,  to refill our water bottles. They were kind enough to allow us to use the bathroom - remarking that it was not in very good shape. I assured them that we were sure it was better than along the road.

The last twenty miles we stopped every five miles to rest our bodies, get out of the heat, take a long drink and eat. We were given the gift of a beautiful four lane highway with wide, clean shoulders for the last five miles (but hills, always hills). Our motel is a small mom and pop place, but clean and pleasant. Dinner was delicious. Patty is a very good cook, and our veggie selection is ALWAYS wonderful. 

LOST/tossed in the trash AND FOUND/new purchase:
Lost - WWF backpack
Found - Great new pack from Lands' End with "Bubbi" written on it
Lost - One pair of riding gloves (another pair ready to join 'em)
Lost - Leg warmers
Lost - Grey sports bra from 1998 Southern Tier ride
Found - Black sports bra from Sears in Columbus, MS

Flora and Fauna Update:
Yesterday, as I cycled down the road, a butterfly lighted on my hand. It felt as if I was being touched by an angel.
A couple of days ago, as we rode along, Holly and I saw a deer leap across the road and into the woods. At least we think we saw a deer leap across the road and into the woods.
There is always the sound of birds, filling our days with the beauty and presence of their songs. I wish I knew their names and could give you a full report. 
Road kill continues to be abundant - less armadillos though. A few baby skunks - whew! skunk!, some raccoons, a cat, and a beautiful little bird (grey with a yellow neck).

Time for bed. Thanks for stopping by. TheWanderingJu and Holly

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